Sunday, July 13, 2008


Sichuan experienced a major earthquake on 12 May 2008, resulting in devastating numbers of deaths, millions became homeless, and economic activities halted. When the earthquake occurred, many students were having lessons in schools, and it was unfortunate that their lives were cut short because they were unable to escape in time. This unexpected disaster brought the whole country together, with many external organizations and countries raising funds to help the victims of the quake.

“Envelopes of Love” surfaced, not only because we were touched by the actions of our people, but also because we understood the emotional scars left on the children due to the earthquake. After such a disaster, the bad memories will always be like a black cloud hanging over the heads of the children. Perhaps we as Singaporeans do not understand how they feel, since we're so privileged, but we can still do our part to help the children in Sichuan. No matter how small your effort may seem, your sincerity to help them is enough to make them feel happiness.

The purpose of our project is to provide emotional aid to children, such that when they are facing emotional scars and stress from the environment, they are able to receive a ray of hope from people in other countries, allowing them to feel that there are still people who sincerely care for them and want them to live well. The committee members in this project aim to send letters and cards starting from October 2008 to September 2009, at a monthly basis, with the help from Beijing Horizontal Educational Centre (BHEC). Thus, if you would like to contribute in any way to the children in Sichuan, please contact us through the methods below:

  • If you or your organisation would like to contribute by making the cards, please contact us via this email: After we have received your email, we will send you the additional information required about making the cards.
  • If your organisation would like to sponsor the shipping fees for the letters to Sichuan, please contact us via this email: When we have received your email, we will send you a copy of our proposal and additional information needed.
Even if you are just able to contribute one card, we will welcome your contribution. We believe that as long as we work together, we can add in happiness into the lives of the children in Sichuan. The committee of "Envelopes of Love" would like to appeal to all of you, while you are living a comfortable life, please give a helping hand to the children in Sichuan by making use of your creativity to create a card for them.

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